The 2023 MUTCD is the 11th and current edition of the MUTCD.

11th edition of MUTCD (December 2023)
List of Known Errors (December 20, 2023)
Federal Register Final Rule
The December 19, 2023 Federal Register notice established the 2023 MUTCD and provides a high-level summary of the most significant changes in the new MUTCD.
Summary of Dispositions
This 272-page document provides a detailed description of changes from the NPA to the Final Rule for each of the numbered items in the NPA.
2009 MUTCD Redline
This document provides a markup of changes from the 2009 MUTCD to the 2023 MUTCD.
Docket Comments
The docket for the proposed new edition of the MUTCD was open for five months. During that time, FHWA received more than 17,000 submissions to the docket, containing over 100,000 individual comments on the NPA MUTCD content.
Federal Register Notice of Proposed Amendments
The December 14, 2020 Federal Register notice proposed a new MUTCD and described the major revisions to the 2009 MUTCD.